Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. Plans for a hope and a future."

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Open Doors

"Life is no straight and easy corridor along
which we travel free and unhampered,
but a maze of passages,
 through which we must seek our way,
lost and confused, now and again
checked in a blind alley.

But always, if we have Faith,
 a door will open for us,
not perhaps one that we ourselves
would ever have thought of,
but one that will ultimately
prove good for us."

A.J. Cronin

Concentrate very deeply on that last part........if we have Faith....change can be good for us.......

Change is often difficult.  Even wanted change causes chaos at times. 

Think about it....we work so hard to get to a certain place in life, but it never seems to be enough........

Do you ever feel like there's something bigger, something better you should be doing?

I've often felt that way.....I've felt like something was lacking.....I've felt as though there was something 'different' I should be doing with my life....I assumed it had something to do with my career.  After all, that's part of the ultimate American dream, right? I mean...have a family, set goals, make a difference?  I knew when I went into teaching that it was right for me - at the time.  I also knew that it wasn't what I wanted to do for 30 years...I wanted something different....I wanted to make a different impact on lives.....I just wasn't quite sure what it was....  When I went back to school for my Masters degree I settled on School would be right for me -at the time - but in the back of my mind I still had the goal of a PhD and doing something 'more'.  I worked just a few years in counseling.....and let me tell you, I loved it!!  I (thought I) had attained my (then) current goal....I was beginning to help kids more in the way that I envisioned......

Then my life changed.  I became pregnant with our third child.  This was kind of confusing.... you see it wasn't part of my master plan......but still, I knew I already loved this child......then came more changes.......Zeta was born with some health issues.......and things continued to change.......for a long time it seemed like the health issues just got worse instead of better..... I couldn't quite figure out how to fit all of it into my I've said all was never my plan......

Now, I have new goals (and new plans- imagine that).........and know what? I find that most days I feel content that I'm doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing.....I'm not searching for the bigger and better things to do........ because I have FAITH that this door was opened for me for reasons beyond my understanding.....

I'm learning so much about people....and love.....and prayer....and faith.....and so much more about myself.......

I'm learning things from people who don't even know that they're teaching.........
For instance, a couple of youth groups came by our house this evening - to hear so many of these young people praying aloud for our daughter, our sons, our family..........INSPIRING is all I can say.....
To see Zeta's face light up - like she absolutely knew she was the center of see how this tiny little person brought all of us together......that's the kind of difference I've often searched for.....
To know that these young adults might rather be doing something else...,,that their leaders may have had a long day at work......but yet they came together to show us love and compassion.....

I can't explain the intense emotions of having  a special child.......

Think about the time you were most scared in your life........then think about how you would feel if you won the $100 million imagine those conflicting emotions together and living like that year to year.....month to month....week to by day....hour by hour......minute by minute.....

Pay attention to your blessings and the doors that open for you....It may not be what you planned, but it will most definitely be what you make of it!

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

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