Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. Plans for a hope and a future."

Monday, November 19, 2012


Take time to think...
It is the source of power.
Take time to play...
It is the secret of perpetual youth.
Take time to laugh...
It is the music of the soul.
Take time to pray...
It is the greatest power on Earth.

We have a running joke with our medical team that we shouldn't talk about it too much when Zeta is doing really well because that's just when she will show us a thing or two.

Thing's not so funny when it really happens.  Last week I shared that Zeta was doing better than she had in a very long time.  Now we're back to continuous seizure and pain control. 

Steven is home with sore throat/cold so I hope it's not something we're going to be passing back and forth.

I suppose this is just another bump in the road for us, but we do appreciate all of the prayers you can muster.

I ask for prayer....a lot.  I believe in prayer. 

I was able to go to church yesterday.  Know what the preacher discussed?  Prayer. 

This life.....our crazy, wonderful, complicated life makes me examine my prayer life and relationship with God pretty often.  You see, when things aren't going well....or aren't going the way I plan then my prayers increase.  I find that I am almost constantly praying.  Sometimes I'm having real, honest conversations.  Sometimes I'm listening.....and a many times I'm pleading........I also know that when things are going well that I tend to slack off in the prayer department.  I don't mean to, but it happens.  That's what I was reminded about in church yesterday.  We need prayers of true thanksgiving..... start our day with prayer.....we should talk to God....and listen.....prayer shouldn't be an afterthought, or worse a last should be the beginning......

"O Lord, that lends me life, Lend me a heart replete with thankfulness! "
William Shakespeare (King Henry VI, Part II. Act I, scene i)

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thankful for our crazy life!

Do you ever find that some days are more humbling than others?

Certainly, with our situation I've heard my share of, "How do you do it?"  which sometimes translates to I'm glad it's your life and not mine! LOL  Seriously though, when we hear about other people's problems it does make us a little more thankful for what we have, right?

My cousin was badly injured in a farm accident.  I won't go into detail because that's his story, not mine, to tell.  I've found that he is on my mind almost constantly.  I empathize a great deal with his parents too.  I feel like I understand their struggles.....but I can't really fully understand.  They're dealing with the shock and trauma.  The what-ifs and whys.  They see the miracle of his life, but might question what's down the road.  I see this very strong man that is lucky to be alive.  He can breathe, he can talk, he can eat.  He most definitely has a very long road ahead of him, but I sure hope he realizes how blessed he is that he still has those abilities when many others don't!........... He is full of determination so I know that it won't be long that they will probably have to tell him to slow down in order to heal properly.  Prayers for his continued healing are greatly appreciated!

I've found myself more humbled in my marriage lately too.  I am blessed to have someone who has stood by me and loved me through the good, bad, and ugly. Often, it's easy to say, "Oh, I'd be out the door so fast if he/she did so and so." I say things like that a lot myself.,......but unless you're living that life you have no idea about what goes on........and it is commanded of us to love our partner through everything.  I do realize this is most often easier said than done and that sometimes circumstances may make it seem impossible......we have to communicate.....we have to let our partner know our wants, needs, resentments, wishes and desires.  It is not always an easy road and many times our actions have to be made out of choice rather than desire. I realize just by writing this people will wonder what might be wrong with my marriage or which marriages I'm talking about.....that's not the point-  the point is no one is perfect.  We all make mistakes.  Some people make the most horrible mistakes and then others are left to pick up the pieces.....I don't know what I'm trying to say except that I pray for my own marriage and I pray for the marriage of my loved ones and I pray for the marriages that may be struggling.  I pray for all parts of the family - the husbands, wives.....and mostly the children.  I pray for those who have already been touched by divorce and I pray for those struggling to keep it together.

I guess the final piece of my humbling week would be thinking about the families that have lost loved ones.  Cancer is a horrific thing.  So is suicide.  Disease. Neonatal death and life-limiting illness with no name.  Sometimes it seems as if we're all encompassed.  I grieve for those that have lost......and sometimes I become transfixed on what I may lose one day......but I try to not to dwell there because I know there is a place prepared for each of us where there will be no more pain or suffering.  All of our hearts will be humbled (and it won't take devastation to remind us).  I know that I have been saved by the Grace of God.....if you think that makes me a little loony so be it:)

Finally, we've been blessed to see an almost complete turn-around with Zeta this week.  We've had so many, many months with uncontrolled seizures and just basically a 'shell' of Zeta.  This week her sweet little personality has returned.  She has laughed and played and it has made my heart so happy.  Her brothers have been so sweet to her too....they will probably kill me for sharing this, but one night they played "dolly" with her.  Steven covered Zeta's face with make-up and they took turns letting her 'brush' their hair (really she would just bang their heads with the brush).  All 3 of them thought this was all just hilarious!  I really wish I would have taken a picture, but honestly I was just reveling in the moment!

I hope you take the time to let your heart be humbled today! (or say a prayer for those in need) It really is a good feeling!

Much Love!

Monday, November 5, 2012

..just thanks....

The month of Thanksgiving is among us........

but I know.....

we should be appreciative of each and every daily blessing we receive! being able to view things through the eyes of a child....
.....the natural beauty that surrounds us....

.....a grandmother's love......
...a smile....

....and just.....pure  joy!
For so much - I am thankful!
For nearly 8 months we've watched Zeta battle a general decline and regression.  Admittedly, I was afraid I might never see her true sweet little personality again....but.... this past week she has shown us so many  more smiles!  Now that's something to be thankful for!
What are you thankful for today?